Material 1.4410

Duplex Superduplex

1.4410 is an austenitic ferritic stainless steel. It belongs to the group of super duplex steels. Its two phased microstructuree combines the positive characteristics of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. These characterisitcs result in a high corrosion-resistance and high stength values. 1.4501 is often being used if the resistance of grade 1.4462 is not sufficient enough. 1.4410 is often being used if the resistance of duplex steels is not sufficient enough. It can widely be found in the chemical industry, the oil industry, water management, on- and offshore industry, seawater desalination. The PREN-value of 1.4410 is ranged beetween 38 and 46%. The PREN-value indicates the corrosion-resistance of a stainless steel. Starting at 32% a steel is considered resistant against sea watter. The PREN-value can be reached with the formula: %Cr + 3,3xMo + 16x%N.

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HDIN / EN US-Standard AFNOR UNI JIS request

Material Category: Duplex Superduplex

Chemical Composition

C % Si % Mn % P % S % Cr % Mo % N % Ni %
max 0,03 max 1,00 max 2,00 max 0,035 max 0,015 24,00 - 26,00 3,00 - 4,50 0,240 - 0,350 6,00 - 8,00


Mechanical Properties

DIN EN 10272 (10/2016)
Stäbe aus nichtrostendem Stahl für Druckbehälter.
lösungsgeglüht 0,2% Dehngrenze (Rp0,2) /
bei Temperatur
Zugfestigkeit (Rm) Bruchdehnung (A5, 65) Härte [HBW] Kerbschlagarbeit
KV (ISO-V/Charpy-V)
Probenlage bei Temperatur
<= 160 mm         >= 40 J   ~ -40 ° C
<= 160 mm >= 530 N/mm² 730 - 930 N/mm² >= 25 % <= 290 HBW >= 100 Joule längs ~ 20 ° C
  >= 380 N/mm² >= 630 N/mm²         ~ 250 ° C
  >= 400 N/mm² >= 640 N/mm²         ~ 200 ° C
  >= 420 N/mm² >= 660 N/mm²         ~ 150 ° C
  >= 450 N/mm² >= 680 N/mm²         ~ 100 ° C
lösungsgeglüht+kalt nachgezogen Zugfestigkeit (Rm) Bruchdehnung (A5, 65) bei Temperatur Probenlage
<= 160 mm 930 - 1.130 N/mm² >= 20 % ~ 20 ° C längs










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